would appreciate between the heroes that you chose, and all of them are heroes if they are all risktakersi think they are all most interesting. they all have an element of being self-critical to their own cultural, to themselves. they are all self-assured. they evolved. i think all of these qualities are there. and that makes them very interesting to read, but from a democracy point of view, who is most relevant and who isn't, especially being the title of the book, founders and voices for democrats. i think i appreciate and look at the issue and see area. the first area where you have covered three cases, absolutely outstanding and i think they tell the story is the one in egypt, a journalist -- in egypt, he is a journalist, and very much you look at his biography how he evolved in this field, very committed, consistent, integrity. i think you look at all of these qualities, and most important, he worked on a sector which is media knowing its importance, sticking to its ethics, really pushing the envelope in a very smart way here and you can say at the end of the day, this person advance