rita evans seat two. chuck burwell seat six. daniel weaver seat five. and gwynn seat four. okay. >> sounds good. >> can somebody make -- >> so moved. >> any objection? >> nope. i just want to thank everyone for their participation. i agree and concur with all of your recommendations supervisor. >> okay. i also like to thank everybody for their interest in this and it's close enough to my home. that's why i asked the question whether or not you can make the meeting because it's important to my district also. okay. so with that motion passes. [gavel] congratulations. let's see where are we? >> item number 3. >> item number 3 madam clerk. >> item number three is a hearing considering appointing six months terms ending november 18, 2016 to the urban forestry council. there are six seats and eight applicants. >> so we have a request to continue this item due to an emergency that affected the ability for the applicants to attend this meeting. however we will hold public comment on this item. if there are any members of the public who are present for this item so any public commen