one is how to garner international support for a policy of ritchie in change, if that is what it turns be -- for a policy of regime change, if that is what it turns out to be. if it is removing saddam hussein, how do you do this. and the last thing i said, which became kind of a theme of up virtually all the reporting and sent back to london that year, was, above all, and i think i use that phrase, "of all," get them to focus on the aftermath. because of it comes to war, what is next? and the other thing at that time, which people tend to forget, actually what was blazing hot at the time, far more immediate problem, it was not iraq, it was the middle east. hideous things were going on it on the west bank, the israeli army was on the west bank, and we had prevailed upon the americans as one of the influences working there to put out a really tough statement before tony blair arrived in crawford, telling the israelis that they needed to withdraw from the west bank and soon. now, but maybe quite frank about this, crawford was a meeting at the president's ranch. i took no part in any of th