o ritchie cunningham is.as taken off because he is giving voice to the anger and the heat in the republican primary, that anti-washington sentiment. he has honed that down to a fine art, and he's got the jobs story. he's created -- there's been more private sector jobs created in texas in the last ten years than the entire country combined. so, he's got a compelling message. now, he's getting up on the big stage this week and never been in th national debate, never been in this deba before. he's had nine elections in texas. he a great campaigner, but this is going to be a big moment, a lot of people's first look. big stage, a lot on the line. >> go ahead. >> as i understand it, the marity of the jobs that were created were government jobs in texas, and i think we have to get -- >> ivate sector, though, more private sector jobs. >> we've got to get the exact information about where these bs came from. >> i think, right, th will be better over time. let's look at the lineup in terms of howhe field looks right n