Jul 3, 2017
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carlos rivera: la mejor recompensa. en la capital de rusia. sus procesos -- propios brazos, esas fueron las herramientas de los bomberos en arizona para salvar a los pequeÑos siervos a punto de morir quemados. observen. los llevaron a un lugar seguro y reunirlos con la madre. los socorristas forman parte de los mÁs de 1000 bomberos que combaten un incendio forestal. las mujeres que trabajan en la casa blanca ganan en promedio 80 centavos por cada dÓlar que le pagan a sus colegas masculinos. esto segÚn un anÁlisis de la cadena cnn. en promedio, los hombres cobran un salario de 105 dÓlares al aÑo. las mujeres ganan 84 mil dÓlares. una pareja que contrajo matrimonio en las vegas contÓ cÓmo unos invitados interesantes aparecieron. festejaron la legalizaciÓn de la marihuana con fines recreativos en el estado de nevada. Él dijo que se inspirÓ en su padre que estuvo preso por un delito relacionado con el cannabis. un vehÍculo levanta sospechas de un policÍa en una carretera en texas. el conductor le explica que se detuvo en me
carlos rivera: la mejor recompensa. en la capital de rusia. sus procesos -- propios brazos, esas fueron las herramientas de los bomberos en arizona para salvar a los pequeÑos siervos a punto de morir quemados. observen. los llevaron a un lugar seguro y reunirlos con la madre. los socorristas forman parte de los mÁs de 1000 bomberos que combaten un incendio forestal. las mujeres que trabajan en la casa blanca ganan en promedio 80 centavos por cada dÓlar que le pagan a sus colegas masculinos....
Jul 3, 2017
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carlos rivera: la mejor recompensa.biÉn tiene su novia. esta chica es italiana. lo ha estado acompaÑando en sus conciertos. el noviazgo no se ha hecho oficial, pero vemos que el corazÓn estÁ muy contento. francisca: ella me imagino que quiere que todo el mundo estÉ hablando de ella. ojalÁ que a marc anthony se le cuaje. se acuerdan que habÍa hecho oficial un romance con una modelo dominicana. hace poco de eso. ana patricia: creo que hay hombres como marc anthony que no son de una sola mujer. [risas] >> cascos ligeros. no ha de ser fÁcil. tener un noviazgo con alguien tan famoso. ana patricia: tambiÉn, encontrar una chava que sea amor verdadero y no por interÉs. francisco: es cierto. es un buen tema para "sin rollo". el 30 de junio de 2017 fue una fecha muy especial. una fecha que muchos no olvidaremos. no la va a olvidar me si y su -- messi y su esposa. ellos sean tatuado esa fecha en nÚmeros romanos de su matrimonio. debajo de la foto hay una descripciÓn que dice "para siempre". en el dedo donde va el anillo de bodas t
carlos rivera: la mejor recompensa.biÉn tiene su novia. esta chica es italiana. lo ha estado acompaÑando en sus conciertos. el noviazgo no se ha hecho oficial, pero vemos que el corazÓn estÁ muy contento. francisca: ella me imagino que quiere que todo el mundo estÉ hablando de ella. ojalÁ que a marc anthony se le cuaje. se acuerdan que habÍa hecho oficial un romance con una modelo dominicana. hace poco de eso. ana patricia: creo que hay hombres como marc anthony que no son de una sola...
Jul 17, 2017
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uno de los momentos mÁs difÍciles en la vida de jenni rivera y fue la violaciÓn sud hermana rossi a manos quien fuera el padre de sus hijos y si bien la familia rivera decidiÓ contar la vida de la gran seÑora, vi el capÍtulo en mi casa y la verdad es que, no me alcanzo a imaginar que mi hija pudiera pasar por un evento tan desgarrador como lo es el abuso sexual. quiero que vean y recuerden recuerden parte de esta escena. >>> ¿y tÚ princesa rossi? ¿quieres jugar? (llamada de telÉfono).
uno de los momentos mÁs difÍciles en la vida de jenni rivera y fue la violaciÓn sud hermana rossi a manos quien fuera el padre de sus hijos y si bien la familia rivera decidiÓ contar la vida de la gran seÑora, vi el capÍtulo en mi casa y la verdad es que, no me alcanzo a imaginar que mi hija pudiera pasar por un evento tan desgarrador como lo es el abuso sexual. quiero que vean y recuerden recuerden parte de esta escena. >>> ¿y tÚ princesa rossi? ¿quieres jugar? (llamada de...
Jul 19, 2017
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platicamos de jenny rivera y esta situaciÓn . mÁs adelante, la reacciÓn de chiquis rivera.a mis dos hijos. reportera. ya que desmintiÓ al chavismo de su marido, dijo que luego de presentar a sus mellizos en un programa especial en univisiÓn, decidieron no aparecer con ellos en eventos pÚblicos. >> es una forma de proteger a los niÑos un poquito. de que estÉn expuestos a eventos que no son para ellos, me entiendes? sÍ los compartimos con el pÚblico con mucho gusto y con la prensa, a travÉs de las redes sociales. lo hago porque entiendo perfecto que somos actores y personas pÚblicas, que la gente quiere saber de nuestros hijos.asÍ que no estoy en contra de hacerlo pÚblico, para nada. no ando con mis hijos en todos los eventos. reportera: no han aceptado las propuestas que les han llegado para que sus pequeÑos debutan en una telenovela o comercial. elizabeth: los niÑos son niÑos, hay que dejarlos. son bebÉs. no voy a dejar que pierdan sus ganas de ser bebÉs, tiene que ser bebés y niÑos, llevar un proceso natural. no quiero exponerlos a que tengan jornadas de trabajo, llamados.
platicamos de jenny rivera y esta situaciÓn . mÁs adelante, la reacciÓn de chiquis rivera.a mis dos hijos. reportera. ya que desmintiÓ al chavismo de su marido, dijo que luego de presentar a sus mellizos en un programa especial en univisiÓn, decidieron no aparecer con ellos en eventos pÚblicos. >> es una forma de proteger a los niÑos un poquito. de que estÉn expuestos a eventos que no son para ellos, me entiendes? sÍ los compartimos con el pÚblico con mucho gusto y con la...
Jul 20, 2017
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jos rivera/ padre de marco -"el nene me dijeron que tenia seis meses de vida."do convulsiones sin que los mdicos dieran esperanzas de vida. jos rivera/ padre de marco -"al año después fue que le conseguimos el aceite" track 3 - en su desesperacin por encontrar algo que ayudara al niÑo y sin muchas opciones, estos padres recurrieron a la marihuana medicinal. jos rivera/ padre de marco -"ve que algunas personas les está funcionando... y están en una situación así... no hay nada que perder..." track 4 - y as lo hicieron con este tratamiento alternativo. los resultados positivos fueron evidentes, las convulsiones cesaron... y marco se liber de la larga lista de medicamentos que estaba obligado a consumir y que, segn el padre del niÑo, solo empeoraban la condicin de salud del menor. jos rivera/ padre de marco -"nosotros como papás no queremos eso para el niño... no queremos drogarlo... la medicina le ha ayudado porque pudimos las drogas fuertes las de verdad... se lo quitamos todito." track 5 - para jos, es un milagro que su hijo contine vivo en contra de todo pronst
jos rivera/ padre de marco -"el nene me dijeron que tenia seis meses de vida."do convulsiones sin que los mdicos dieran esperanzas de vida. jos rivera/ padre de marco -"al año después fue que le conseguimos el aceite" track 3 - en su desesperacin por encontrar algo que ayudara al niÑo y sin muchas opciones, estos padres recurrieron a la marihuana medicinal. jos rivera/ padre de marco -"ve que algunas personas les está funcionando... y están en una situación...
Jul 10, 2017
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acaso llega a ocupar el espacio que dejÓ johnny rivera? --jenny rivera?os que todos los cuartos sean cuartos de tele. porque esos son los mejores cuartos. porque tienen tele. ¿y cuando no estamos en esos cuartos? no importante. tenemos nuestros shows... aquí. cámbiate de cable a directv. obtén 4 habitaciones. con hd, dvr y todo el equipo incluido. por 25 dólares al mes. ♪ ♪ arantxa: la furia de las aguas pudo mÁs que la ingenierÍa humana. un edificio terminÓ derribado por la crecida de un rÍo, luego que todos sus residentes fueron evacuados de urgencia. la lluvias torrenciales causaron destrucciÓn de docenas de puentes y otros daÑos materiales en mÁs de 60 poblaciones rurales en china. un nuevo vÍdeo trata de demostrar la ausencia de la tenista williams en el mortal accidente de trÁnsito que estuvo involucrada principios de junio. las imÁgenes mostrarÍa que la deportista en ningÚn momento violÓ las seÑales de trÁnsito. de hecho, tratÓ de esquivar un auto para evitar el accidente. la evidencia es utilizada por los abogados de las vÍctimas que en la utiliza
acaso llega a ocupar el espacio que dejÓ johnny rivera? --jenny rivera?os que todos los cuartos sean cuartos de tele. porque esos son los mejores cuartos. porque tienen tele. ¿y cuando no estamos en esos cuartos? no importante. tenemos nuestros shows... aquí. cámbiate de cable a directv. obtén 4 habitaciones. con hd, dvr y todo el equipo incluido. por 25 dólares al mes. ♪ ♪ arantxa: la furia de las aguas pudo mÁs que la ingenierÍa humana. un edificio terminÓ derribado por la...
Jul 10, 2017
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. >> por parte de los rivera nada. $ a la causa y nosotros al ver eso en la televisiÓn nos molestamos. yo le enviÉ un correo en el cual le digo que me da gusto ver que el buen corazÓn que tiene para apoyar a estos niÑos y quÉ lÁstima que las familias de las personas que trabajaban con su hermana y que perdieron la vida junto con ella no hemos visto ese buen corazÓn. >> no sÓlo no pagaron las funerales y la indemnizaciÓn sino que doÑa cristina tardo un aÑo en cobrar el Último aÑo de trabajo de su hijo. >> yo tuve que buscar a rossi una persona me dijo donde estaba y que buscarla y le exigÍ el pago del trabajo de mi hijo y le dije que si ella pensaba que por cualquier motivo la seÑora nos hubiera regresado en ese aviÓn que hubiera pasado lo que pasÓ. ella habÍa tardado aÑo y medio en pagarle el trabajo amigo. ella me contestÓ claro que no, yo sÉ que no. >> mauro macÍas, sus familia dice tambiÉn que han sido ignoradas. >> han estado seguras que los demÁs tampoco les han pagado? >> claro que estamos seguras.
. >> por parte de los rivera nada. $ a la causa y nosotros al ver eso en la televisiÓn nos molestamos. yo le enviÉ un correo en el cual le digo que me da gusto ver que el buen corazÓn que tiene para apoyar a estos niÑos y quÉ lÁstima que las familias de las personas que trabajaban con su hermana y que perdieron la vida junto con ella no hemos visto ese buen corazÓn. >> no sÓlo no pagaron las funerales y la indemnizaciÓn sino que doÑa cristina tardo un aÑo...
Jul 14, 2017
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algo con lo que rivera concuerda.sado cÓmo han fracasado los intentos para impulsar una ley migratoria mÁs amplia. aclara que esto no significa que se sacrifiquen algunos indocumentados para proteger a otros. enviaron una carta al gobierno federal amenazando que si para inicios de septiembre no se elimina daca, se realizarÁ la demanda inicial. ramÓn: compartimos mensajes y viveros que circulan en redes sociales ante el futuro incierto de jÓvenes indocumentados unto algunos de los mensajes son testimonios de cÓmo la vida ha cambiado para soÑadores y gracias a la acciÓn diferida pueden trabajar, estudiar, y hasta viajar para del paÍs para ver a sus seres queridos. tambiÉn hay fotos de organizaciones preparÁndose para la batalla que si con ellos, van a ganar, ojalÁ asÍ sea. el primer procedimiento del juicio de asesinato de un indocumentado que matÓ a catherine comenzarÁ el viernes. ocurriÓ el monte 14 en san francisco 1 de julio de 2015 cuando juan francisco lÓpez sÁnchez de 54 aÑos hiriÓ fatalmente a la joven de 32 aÑo
algo con lo que rivera concuerda.sado cÓmo han fracasado los intentos para impulsar una ley migratoria mÁs amplia. aclara que esto no significa que se sacrifiquen algunos indocumentados para proteger a otros. enviaron una carta al gobierno federal amenazando que si para inicios de septiembre no se elimina daca, se realizarÁ la demanda inicial. ramÓn: compartimos mensajes y viveros que circulan en redes sociales ante el futuro incierto de jÓvenes indocumentados unto algunos de los mensajes...
Jul 11, 2017
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el accidente con jenny rivera. karla: queremos escuchar el lado legal. alan: se han especulado muchas cosas, que si demanda, que si no demanda, que la compaÑÍa de aviÓn, hoy lo veremos en exclusiva aquÍ en "despierta amÉrica". karla: seguimos con las exclusivas. la presentadora venezolana regresa a su paÍs, debido a la situaciÓn que se vive en venezuela ella y su mejor amigo se dejaron de hablar. chef: el programa era super famoso, pero por diferencias polÍticas se separaron. alan: mÁs adelante hablemos del sistema de venezuela. karla: siempre con ustedes. nuestra misiÓn es obviamente apoyarlos en todos los sentidos. presentadora: vamos a comenzar en washington. personas del cÍrculo íntimo de donald trump se reunieron con una abogada de rusia. mientras el kremlin se desentiende del tema tanto la casa blanca como el hijo del mandatario asegura que no sabÍan del encuentro. luego de que trump sopesar a la posibilidad de colaborar con moscÚ en cuestiones de seguridad cibernÉtica. pablo: buenos dÍas.esta es una novedad muy importante en el llamado "rusiagate"
el accidente con jenny rivera. karla: queremos escuchar el lado legal. alan: se han especulado muchas cosas, que si demanda, que si no demanda, que la compaÑÍa de aviÓn, hoy lo veremos en exclusiva aquÍ en "despierta amÉrica". karla: seguimos con las exclusivas. la presentadora venezolana regresa a su paÍs, debido a la situaciÓn que se vive en venezuela ella y su mejor amigo se dejaron de hablar. chef: el programa era super famoso, pero por diferencias polÍticas se separaron....
Jul 2, 2017
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rivera.orked with me in other companies in trying to help bring people together. >> ha ha ha ha ha! >> we need to gather everybody together. we need to talk as a group now. as soon as i saw the extent of andrew's rage for his employees, i realized i needed to get all the employees together immediately. this is the time--this is like a group therapy session. i mean, listen, a lot of times things can be solved if people can just talk them out. it's impossible, andrew, for you to dismiss how these people feel anymore. you can't do it anymore. >> i don't dismiss. >> you do. >> no, i don't dismiss. >> i'm sorry, but you do. >> no, i don't. >> i'm sorry, but you do. >> no, i don't dismiss. >> you don't try to empathize or feel what they're feeling. everything is just--handle it. do it, fix it. >> for me to get you guys to do things wasn't always so easy. >> 'cause we had other things to do. >> there's always something to do. >> you're saying the whole problem was we had no organization, things were
rivera.orked with me in other companies in trying to help bring people together. >> ha ha ha ha ha! >> we need to gather everybody together. we need to talk as a group now. as soon as i saw the extent of andrew's rage for his employees, i realized i needed to get all the employees together immediately. this is the time--this is like a group therapy session. i mean, listen, a lot of times things can be solved if people can just talk them out. it's impossible, andrew, for you to...
Jul 3, 2017
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seÑores, el lunes tenemos invitada de oro, rossi rivera que estarÁ aquÍ en el foro en viv con todos nosotros especial de mariposa de barrio, tenemos un show espectacular. no se lo pueden perder. todo acerca de la vida de jenni vi vera. buen ♪ (mÚsica) ♪ comenzando "un nuevo dÍa" que es mejor♪. >>> indignaciÓn un video del presidente trump donde simula golpear a cnn genera polÉmica por supuestamente incitar violencia contra periodistas >>> sin tapujos la novia dee sÓ el sol de mÉxico >>> lo nuevoalen a relucir supuestas razones de la separaciÓn de cristiÁn castro y su nueva esposa. >>> es en serio >>> trÁmites migratorios planea hacerse ciudadano hoy explicamos como lograrlo >>> sorprendente perrito que ayuda a todo como el marido >>> seÑores alemania gana la copa fifa confederaciones y arrasÓ con los premios al balon y botÍn de oro >>> nosotros nos despedimos de esta ventana rusia con el coro de cosakod desde moscÚ con "un nuevo dÍa" y con rashel cumpliendo aÑos. "un nuevo dÍa" ♪♪.. es "un nuevo dÍa" que comienza contigo ♪. ♪ ♪ >>> eso. ( ♪ mÚsica♪) >>> bailalo, bailalo. ( ♪ mÚsica♪) (gritos
seÑores, el lunes tenemos invitada de oro, rossi rivera que estarÁ aquÍ en el foro en viv con todos nosotros especial de mariposa de barrio, tenemos un show espectacular. no se lo pueden perder. todo acerca de la vida de jenni vi vera. buen ♪ (mÚsica) ♪ comenzando "un nuevo dÍa" que es mejor♪. >>> indignaciÓn un video del presidente trump donde simula golpear a cnn genera polÉmica por supuestamente incitar violencia contra periodistas >>> sin tapujos la...
Jul 21, 2017
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newt gingrich, ted cruz, geraldo rivera, christopher gardner, all here tonight. we are all here tonight we have a very important many a monologue about holding republicans accountable and robert mueller, mission creep and whether or not he should recuse himself., will review just how o.j. simpson ended up in prison and why many would rather see the juice rot in jail for the rest of his life.of that's tonight's opening
newt gingrich, ted cruz, geraldo rivera, christopher gardner, all here tonight. we are all here tonight we have a very important many a monologue about holding republicans accountable and robert mueller, mission creep and whether or not he should recuse himself., will review just how o.j. simpson ended up in prison and why many would rather see the juice rot in jail for the rest of his life.of that's tonight's opening
Jul 7, 2017
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. >>> no se pegÓ la flecha tenemos a la flamante ganadora, zuleyka rivera.es con el balón. el nuevo strawberries & cream pancake breakfast de denny's. una gran jugada. denny's. pide online. lo que sea. cuando sea. y ahora en donde sea. ordena en dennys.com cuando ves a unintruso,. ¡buu! nosotros también. ¿por qué no huyes? raid mata cucarachas 7 veces más rápido que cualquier otro spray en la categoría. ¿7 veces más rápido? raiiid! usa raid y actúa fuerte contra las cucarachas. es bueno ser exigente. sc johnson, una compañía familiar. (risas) >>> (risas). (gritos) >>> igualito quÉ tiene salma, no a mÍ me sobra todo lo que tiene salma, me sobra, tengo demÁs. ( ♪ mÚsica♪) >>> que sufra al salma al verte caminar asÍ >>> soy el doble de tamaÑo, bienvenidos a la tercera hora, no importa la belleza viene de diÑo manera >>> bueno bienvenidos amigos a esta tercera hora tenemos muchas cosas >>> tenemos muchas cosas por ejemplo cuando hay una relaciÓn una frase tÍpica que dice hay quÍmica con alguien, quÉ significa que hay amor, cuÁl es la diferencia entre la quÍmica
. >>> no se pegÓ la flecha tenemos a la flamante ganadora, zuleyka rivera.es con el balón. el nuevo strawberries & cream pancake breakfast de denny's. una gran jugada. denny's. pide online. lo que sea. cuando sea. y ahora en donde sea. ordena en dennys.com cuando ves a unintruso,. ¡buu! nosotros también. ¿por qué no huyes? raid mata cucarachas 7 veces más rápido que cualquier otro spray en la categoría. ¿7 veces más rápido? raiiid! usa raid y actúa fuerte contra las...
Jul 28, 2017
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y nos dice, en realidad lo que piensa de la hija de jenni rivera, como artista. >>> te voy a llevar muy bien apoyada, esta muy apoyada. los que nos dedicamos a este ambiente, sabemos que si no hay, no te tocan. no te toca nadie. >>> parte cierto, pero como quieres que te abra la puerta comadre, como va a decir usted eso. no van hacer las pases. creo que no te va a abrir. si le ges mandandosos mensaje mi quida carmen. >>> maribel guerra esposa de marcelo guerra declarÓ que ella tiene descuidado al seÑor rogelio guerra. vamos a escucharlo. >>> que si salgo, que si vengo, que si no vengo. como estÁ en un estreno y rogelio f terapia intensiva. >>> no puedo entrar hay 2 horarios que estÉ fuera sentada. >>> creen que hay que estar agarrÁndole la mano, pues quÉ tema hay otra vida y tengo que resolver y sigo viviendo y vamos con mis hijos al cine. que penas que le afectÉ. por dios. >>> tiene razÓn tambiÉn. >>> estÁ intensivo y tie horas para visitarlo pues, que vaya las horas. >>> tiene toda la razÓn la esposa de rogelio guerra. pero bueno. >>> al fin y al cabo estÉ bien cuidado en cuidados
y nos dice, en realidad lo que piensa de la hija de jenni rivera, como artista. >>> te voy a llevar muy bien apoyada, esta muy apoyada. los que nos dedicamos a este ambiente, sabemos que si no hay, no te tocan. no te toca nadie. >>> parte cierto, pero como quieres que te abra la puerta comadre, como va a decir usted eso. no van hacer las pases. creo que no te va a abrir. si le ges mandandosos mensaje mi quida carmen. >>> maribel guerra esposa de marcelo guerra...
Jul 22, 2017
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a little league homer for rivera. mets win 7-5. yankees in seattle.aron judge just hit a ball that putin picked up on russian radar. this is almost clear out of safe cofiel safeco field, caught by a fan in the last road. went so high stat cast continue measure the thing. yankees tweeted, home run that broke stat cast. yankees win by score of 5-1. warriors domination is driving the nba crazy. paul george talked his way out of indie and kyree irving wants out of cleveland. told them he wants to be traded. apparently he doesn't want to be in lebron's shadow anymore. he is probably thinking if lebron leaves for l.a. he doesn't want to be stuck in cleveland. irving averaged 25 points per game last season. and when he goes into uncle drew mode he is unstoppable. his reported number one choice is a trade to the spurs, which the warriors would not want. >> abc 7 brought to you by river rock casino. everybody is trying to make moves to catch the warriors. it is wild. >> they've changed things. >> for sure. >> thanks, larry. >>> abc 7 continues often line, on t
a little league homer for rivera. mets win 7-5. yankees in seattle.aron judge just hit a ball that putin picked up on russian radar. this is almost clear out of safe cofiel safeco field, caught by a fan in the last road. went so high stat cast continue measure the thing. yankees tweeted, home run that broke stat cast. yankees win by score of 5-1. warriors domination is driving the nba crazy. paul george talked his way out of indie and kyree irving wants out of cleveland. told them he wants to...
Jul 23, 2017
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jesse: joining knee now, geraldo rivera. when you were at the parole hearing i in the o.j. simpson kind of erratic. flashing that smile. it also showed a flare of anger. i want to you react to this video. >> the property is yours. >> it's been ruled legally by the state of california that it was my property in giving it to me. jesse: he's talk about retrieving that property with the guy with the gun. he seemed angered there. did you notice that? >> of course i did. this mainls very combustible, very volatile. he has a malignant temper. he has a rage inside him. he could snap like that. that became clear to the american people when he butchered his ex-wife, the
jesse: joining knee now, geraldo rivera. when you were at the parole hearing i in the o.j. simpson kind of erratic. flashing that smile. it also showed a flare of anger. i want to you react to this video. >> the property is yours. >> it's been ruled legally by the state of california that it was my property in giving it to me. jesse: he's talk about retrieving that property with the guy with the gun. he seemed angered there. did you notice that? >> of course i did. this mainls...
Jul 15, 2017
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geraldo rivera and charles hurt both here leifer. stay with us. still to come. ♪ and we can't stop ♪ and we won't stop ♪ well, i still deserve appreciation. who was there for you when you had amnesia? you know i can't remember that. stop this madness. if it's appreciation you want you should both get snapshot from progressive. it rewards good drivers with big discounts on car insurance. i have news. i've used most of our cellular data. come on, susan lucci! ♪ copdso to breathe better,athe. i go with anoro. ♪go your own way copd tries to say, "go this way." i say, "i'll go my own way" with anoro. ♪go your own way
geraldo rivera and charles hurt both here leifer. stay with us. still to come. ♪ and we can't stop ♪ and we won't stop ♪ well, i still deserve appreciation. who was there for you when you had amnesia? you know i can't remember that. stop this madness. if it's appreciation you want you should both get snapshot from progressive. it rewards good drivers with big discounts on car insurance. i have news. i've used most of our cellular data. come on, susan lucci! ♪ copdso to breathe...
Jul 22, 2017
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a little league homer for rivera. mets win 7-5. yankees in seattle.hit a ball that putin picked up on russian radar. this is almost clear out of s cofiel safeco field, caught by a fan in the last road. went so high stat cast continue measure the thing. yankees tweeted, home run that broke stat cast. yankees win by score of 5-1. warriors domination is driving the nba crazy. paul george talked his way out of indie and kyree irving wants out of cleveland. told them he wants to be traded. apparently he doesn't want to be in lebron's shadow anymore. he is probably thinking if lebron leaves for l.a. he doesn't want to be stuck in cleveland. irving averaged 25 points per game last season. and when he goes into uncle drew mode he is unstoppable. his reported number one choice is a trade to the spurs, which the warriors would not want. >> abc 7 brought to you by river rock casino. everybody is trying to make moves to catch the warriors. it is wild. >> they've changed things. >> for sure. >> thanks, larry. >>> abc 7 continues often line, on twitter, facebook an
a little league homer for rivera. mets win 7-5. yankees in seattle.hit a ball that putin picked up on russian radar. this is almost clear out of s cofiel safeco field, caught by a fan in the last road. went so high stat cast continue measure the thing. yankees tweeted, home run that broke stat cast. yankees win by score of 5-1. warriors domination is driving the nba crazy. paul george talked his way out of indie and kyree irving wants out of cleveland. told them he wants to be traded....
Jul 17, 2017
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nuestro querido carlos rivera. >> carlos rivera nunca ha dejado de soÑar, abarrotÓ por cuarta ocasiÓnpero volver. >> este espacio que ha sido el escenario de los grandes y carlos rivera estÁ marcando historia. ana: definitivamente es un chico sÚper talentoso, hace unos dÍas estuvo con nosotros y es un chico super simpÁtico y muy dulce ademÁs de lo guapo que esta. karla: con una gran historia de superaciÓn y que inspiraba muchos chavos con sueÑos a seguir tocando puertas. ♪ karla: vamos a seguir con mÁs de "despierta amÉrica" en las redes sociales. francisca dos. las redes sociales tuvieron un solo color este fin de semana y era el color de la bandera de venezuela . los famosos se pararon a votaractores, cantantes fueron a las urnas y utilizaron sobre todo el poder que tienen en las redes sociales para mostrar que quieren un cambio, un cambio en venezuela. esta viendo alejandro chaval, ahÍ estÁ marjorie de sousa, ricardo montaner, nuestra querida chiqui y puedo continuar la lista porque todo un pueblo se levantÓ a enviar un mensaje de esperanza, de fe de que en la uniÓn estÁ la fuerza
nuestro querido carlos rivera. >> carlos rivera nunca ha dejado de soÑar, abarrotÓ por cuarta ocasiÓnpero volver. >> este espacio que ha sido el escenario de los grandes y carlos rivera estÁ marcando historia. ana: definitivamente es un chico sÚper talentoso, hace unos dÍas estuvo con nosotros y es un chico super simpÁtico y muy dulce ademÁs de lo guapo que esta. karla: con una gran historia de superaciÓn y que inspiraba muchos chavos con sueÑos a seguir tocando puertas....
Jul 10, 2017
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after emigrating, rivera lived in a better house with her husband and their five-year-old son.d's sporadic work as a day laborer can't cover their rent and utilities. >> ( translated ): he's earning very little now, about $40 a week, and with that we have to pay the rent. that's why i'm moving, because the rent's got me up to here. >> reporter: they're moving here, where there's no rent, into a one-room shack with a dirt floor. her husband built it with plastic tarps and second-hand planks of wood. >> ( translated ): this is where the kitchen will be, there'll be a little table and the two- burner stove. >> reporter: rivera's neighbors, who also fled venezuela's' hardships, are struggling in colombia. their husbands are out looking for work. >> ( translated ): if they get work, they don't pay them as they should. they pay very little. my husband works in a hardware store, but they don't pay him the correct wage. >> ( translated ): a colombian's day wage is between $10-13. that's the minimum. for a venezuelan, they give $5, $7 dollars a day. >> reporter: some colombian employers
after emigrating, rivera lived in a better house with her husband and their five-year-old son.d's sporadic work as a day laborer can't cover their rent and utilities. >> ( translated ): he's earning very little now, about $40 a week, and with that we have to pay the rent. that's why i'm moving, because the rent's got me up to here. >> reporter: they're moving here, where there's no rent, into a one-room shack with a dirt floor. her husband built it with plastic tarps and second-hand...
Jul 13, 2017
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he will join us, along with geraldo rivera.t a message for liberal joe, he announced he's's leaving the republican party. i'm going to address his little departure later. and of course, the final minute of the show goes to terrence williams tonight.t. straight ahead.rs ♪ our grandson. (woman 2 vo) that's when moderate alzheimer's made me a caregiver. (avo) if their alzheimer's is getting worse, ask about once-a-day namzaric. namzaric is approved for moderate to severe alzheimer's disease in patients taking donepezil. namzaric may improve cognition and overall function, and may slow the worsening of symptoms for a while. namzaric does not change the underlying disease progression. don't take if allergic to memantine, donepezil, piperidine, or any of the ingredients in namzaric. tell the doctor about any conditions; including heart, lung, bladder, kidney or liver problems, seizures, stomach ulcers, or procedures with anesthesia. serious side effects may occur, including muscle problems if given anesthesia; slow heartbeat, faintin
he will join us, along with geraldo rivera.t a message for liberal joe, he announced he's's leaving the republican party. i'm going to address his little departure later. and of course, the final minute of the show goes to terrence williams tonight.t. straight ahead.rs ♪ our grandson. (woman 2 vo) that's when moderate alzheimer's made me a caregiver. (avo) if their alzheimer's is getting worse, ask about once-a-day namzaric. namzaric is approved for moderate to severe alzheimer's disease in...
Jul 1, 2017
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dicen investigan lo diciemb suc >>> nos golpean aquÍ >>> se velo desvio >>> por primera vez omar riveraabuso del que dice ha sido vÍctima. asegura que su tabique quedÓ desviado y perdiÓ un diente postizo cuando querÍan comenzar una huelga de seguridad el pasado 12 de junio. >>> me echaron gas en los ojos y fui maltratado y me sacaron mis dientes >>> eso te lo botaron? >>> sÍ >>> ante estas afirmaciones ice contestÓ (informacion en pantalla): >>> tengo yo la denuncia en mi mano que han presentado los activistas dicen que se sometieron a un baÑo de agua caliente >>> cuando estÁbamos nosotros brincamos en el piso >>> una vez mÁs ice respondiÓ. (informaciÓn en pantalla): >>> omar de origen sal vadoreÑo pidiÓ asilo en estados unidos, dice que los 8 huelgistas no mienten y aunque ice lo nieguen hay huelga de hambre la semana pasada >>> hemos estado sin comer 72 horas, y este miÉrcoles otra huelga de hambre >>> omar rivera piden que hagan publico los video cuando fue el incidente, aseguran que los 8 implicados exigen que se haga justicia. desde adelanto california edgar muÑoz noticias telemund
dicen investigan lo diciemb suc >>> nos golpean aquÍ >>> se velo desvio >>> por primera vez omar riveraabuso del que dice ha sido vÍctima. asegura que su tabique quedÓ desviado y perdiÓ un diente postizo cuando querÍan comenzar una huelga de seguridad el pasado 12 de junio. >>> me echaron gas en los ojos y fui maltratado y me sacaron mis dientes >>> eso te lo botaron? >>> sÍ >>> ante estas afirmaciones ice contestÓ...
Jul 21, 2017
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joining us now with more reaction, geraldo rivera. fox news anchor, attorney gregg jarrett on the phone, author of in contempt. former prosecutor of o.j. simpson's murder trial. you've been out there all day, let's talk about your thoughts. more than any other show in america, you defined this case. it was the ratings to your cable show, you brought cable alive at that time. >> there have been three major events in his life, one with the acquittal in the murder case which caused me to be absolutelt outraged. then he was found in a couple years later to be civilly liable for the wrongful deaths of ronou and nicole. i was elated and so was much of america. today wasn't something i predicted. i thought the paroled board did what they had to do. that armed robbery and kidnapping in las vegas in that hotel room, it was like the keystone crooks. oj largely going to get stuff that the memorabilia dealers of they had reportedly stolen from oj. the fact that he did nine years and obeyed the rules, i hate the guy. i think he got away with murde
joining us now with more reaction, geraldo rivera. fox news anchor, attorney gregg jarrett on the phone, author of in contempt. former prosecutor of o.j. simpson's murder trial. you've been out there all day, let's talk about your thoughts. more than any other show in america, you defined this case. it was the ratings to your cable show, you brought cable alive at that time. >> there have been three major events in his life, one with the acquittal in the murder case which caused me to be...
Jul 11, 2017
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ste hombre era amigo de edwin rivera y dice que no haba da que no temiera por su vida, desde enero pasadoilla, el reportero con el que trabajaba, fue asesinado en su tierra natal. annimo/ amigo de edwin padilla todo el staff de ellos se fue de huida y se fueron varios que están divididos aquí en méxico. sin que ninguno de los integrantes del show llamado "los verduleros" revelara que fue lo que ocurri se separaron .edwin pidi asilo en mxico y se instal en acayucan, veracruz hasta donde la fatalidad lo alcanzo. jazive prez/ ciudad de mxico según la averiguación a plena luz del día este domingo, el joven fue atacado por dos sicarios que viajaban en una motocicleta.. la víctima iba caminando por lo que le dieron alcance y le dispararon por lo menos en 5 ocasiones fue el hermano de rivera paz quien lo identific an en la escena del crimen, ah confirm que haba recibido amenazas antes de llegar a esta nacin pero luego todo se calm, edwin trabajaba y apoyaba a migrantes que como l, huyen al ver en peligro su vida.. azucena mendez/ delegada acnur lo que hay detrás de estos casos es la seguridad de
ste hombre era amigo de edwin rivera y dice que no haba da que no temiera por su vida, desde enero pasadoilla, el reportero con el que trabajaba, fue asesinado en su tierra natal. annimo/ amigo de edwin padilla todo el staff de ellos se fue de huida y se fueron varios que están divididos aquí en méxico. sin que ninguno de los integrantes del show llamado "los verduleros" revelara que fue lo que ocurri se separaron .edwin pidi asilo en mxico y se instal en acayucan, veracruz hasta...
eye 32
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the fossil fuel oligarchy make a little more profit find out what's called a liberal run with julio rivera travels course. just minutes before leaving for europe where it will attend the g. twenty summit in germany donald trump doubled down on the kind of nationalists rhetoric that helped get him elected in the first place he tweeted the united states made some of the worst trade deals in world history why should we continue these deals with countries that do not help us coming as it did amid reports that he's considering to be. twenty percent tariff on steel and other imports trump's tweet got the media talking once again about the possibility of a trade war but what actually is a trade war and what a confrontation with say china over trade policy really be such a bad thing joining me now is alan tonelson economist founder of reality check blog and author of the race to the bottom why worldwide worker surplus and uncontrolled free trade are sinking american living standards alan tonelson welcome back great to be here thanks for having with us so first of all what do we know about or what
the fossil fuel oligarchy make a little more profit find out what's called a liberal run with julio rivera travels course. just minutes before leaving for europe where it will attend the g. twenty summit in germany donald trump doubled down on the kind of nationalists rhetoric that helped get him elected in the first place he tweeted the united states made some of the worst trade deals in world history why should we continue these deals with countries that do not help us coming as it did amid...
Jul 21, 2017
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in san mateo, lonnie rivera, "abc 7 news." >>> all right.c 7 news at 11:00" continues with these new stories. bruno mars takes the stage inside the sapp center but outside counterfeit tickets left some fans disappointed. >> and what is in your cup of coffee? the viagra like ingredient leading to a nationwide recall tonight. >>> is the next american idol here in the bay area? lo local auditions set to take place. >> i'm meteorologist sandhya patel. we will look at your weekend temperature spread coming up. >> first here is a look at what is coming up on "jimmy kimmel live" after "abc 7 news at 11:00." >> thanks dan and ama. enjoy this sample of tonight's show, glute enfry. o.j. is headed to naples florida. if you see someone who looks like o.j. on tinder, swipe left. >>> new at 11:00, counterfeit tickets at the bruno mars concert. the music starts at the stage in the sap center in san jose tonight. >> outside, disappointed fans. "abc 7 news" reporter katie marzullo is live with the story. >> reporter: ama, dan, we talked with a woman that had
in san mateo, lonnie rivera, "abc 7 news." >>> all right.c 7 news at 11:00" continues with these new stories. bruno mars takes the stage inside the sapp center but outside counterfeit tickets left some fans disappointed. >> and what is in your cup of coffee? the viagra like ingredient leading to a nationwide recall tonight. >>> is the next american idol here in the bay area? lo local auditions set to take place. >> i'm meteorologist sandhya patel. we...
Jul 20, 2017
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geraldo rivera has covered the story decades. he is on the scene and he has the very latest. markets take aims at new record highs. and i believe the russell 2000. the only one that is down right now is the tao. you need to be here. the markets could move on any one of the stories. welcome back everybody. and we just want to start right now with the white house where an event is about to begin. president trump will make an announcement that is related to the made in america story. he has with the ceo of merck, pfizer and corning. the minute the president comes up. they are really huge in glass. it's called gorilla glass. they will make special glass for the pharmaceutical industry. everything is made in america. while we're waiting for all of that we need to look at the markets. the dow was down only five points. any move to the upside will be a record for the s&p and the nasdaq. it's all there to finish a record. here is president trump. thank you very much. exciting times at the white house. a lot of things happening that are so great for our country. i want to welcome made
geraldo rivera has covered the story decades. he is on the scene and he has the very latest. markets take aims at new record highs. and i believe the russell 2000. the only one that is down right now is the tao. you need to be here. the markets could move on any one of the stories. welcome back everybody. and we just want to start right now with the white house where an event is about to begin. president trump will make an announcement that is related to the made in america story. he has with...
Jul 27, 2017
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. >> i'm frances rivera. tough overnight in ohio, disaster strikes in columbus on the first day of the ohio state fair. a ride mall functions killing one person and injuring seven others. it led to this disturbing scene. the pendulum crashed into something and broke a part sending riders flying through the air. one witness said she was in line for the ride and saw the disaster unfold. >> it was at its highest points. i saw somebody fall. a minute later the whole row of seats fell off and hit the ground. >> three of the injured were hospitalized. there's no explanation what caused the deadly malfunction. the ride was checked over several times this week and inspection team signed off on it earlier in the day. john kasich ordered a full investigation into the incident and ordered all fair rides shut down until additional safety inspections can be completed. >>> after politico published a report that anthony scaramucci stands to profit from his new appointment, releasing his financial disclosure form leading sca
. >> i'm frances rivera. tough overnight in ohio, disaster strikes in columbus on the first day of the ohio state fair. a ride mall functions killing one person and injuring seven others. it led to this disturbing scene. the pendulum crashed into something and broke a part sending riders flying through the air. one witness said she was in line for the ride and saw the disaster unfold. >> it was at its highest points. i saw somebody fall. a minute later the whole row of seats fell...
Jul 21, 2017
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in san mateo, lonnie rivera, "abc 7 news." >>> all right.ws at 11:00" continues with these new stories. bruno mars takes the stage inside the sapp center but outside counterfeit tickets left some fans disappointed. >> and what is in your cup of coffee? the viagra like ingredient leading to a nationwide recall tonight. >>> is the next american idol here in the bay area? lo local auditions set to take place. >> i'm meteorologist sandhya patel. we will look at your weekend temperature spread coming up. >> first here is a look at what is coming up on "jimmy kimmel live" after "abc 7 news at 11:00." >> thanks dan and ama. enjoy this sample of tonight's show, glute enfry. o.j. is headed to naples florida. if you see someone who looks like o.j. on tinder, swipe left. the energy conscious whopeople among usle? say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's
in san mateo, lonnie rivera, "abc 7 news." >>> all right.ws at 11:00" continues with these new stories. bruno mars takes the stage inside the sapp center but outside counterfeit tickets left some fans disappointed. >> and what is in your cup of coffee? the viagra like ingredient leading to a nationwide recall tonight. >>> is the next american idol here in the bay area? lo local auditions set to take place. >> i'm meteorologist sandhya patel. we will...
Jul 1, 2017
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by day, rivera is police. by night, a young professional boxer. he says, as a boy, his mother didn't let him play outside. >> my mum didn't let me outside. it was just too dangerous. >> sreenivasan: your mother wouldn't let you outside the house? >> there was just too much going on. she feared that something could happen; someone high, driving a car, a shootout, everything. >> sreenivasan: rivera is part of a re-vamped force, re-built more or less from the ground up in 2014. the faces in the squad room during morning roll call are notably young; new officers recruited to replace an ineffective department. >> i remember being a kid, and something happened. you weren't allowed to say nothing to the police. >> sreenivasan: you weren't allowed to tell the police because you didn't trust them? >> didn't trust them. it was the fear that you had. >> sreenivasan: historically one of the country's most impoverished and violent cities, camden is home to some 77,000 people, nearly all of them latino and african american. and a number of the department's newe
by day, rivera is police. by night, a young professional boxer. he says, as a boy, his mother didn't let him play outside. >> my mum didn't let me outside. it was just too dangerous. >> sreenivasan: your mother wouldn't let you outside the house? >> there was just too much going on. she feared that something could happen; someone high, driving a car, a shootout, everything. >> sreenivasan: rivera is part of a re-vamped force, re-built more or less from the ground up in...
Jul 20, 2017
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sÍ, pero no >>> y de mariposa de barrio recibimos a enrique montaÑo el actor que encarna a pedro riveraicas estuvimos en la premier de atÓmico blond en alemania, junto a sus protagonistas shar lies te ron y sofÍa bu chela. >>> rÉcord histÓrico, luis fonsi casi llorando destrona a justin bieber con su Éxito, "despacito" y los nietos del presidente trump lo estÁn bailando todo aquÍ en un nuevo dia que comienza contigo. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ un nuevo dÍa, un nuevo dia ♪ ♪ llenamos tu mundo de emociÓn ♪ ♪ un nuevo dÍa, un nuevo dia ♪ ♪ comienza un nuevo dÍa con alegrÍa ♪ ♪ un nuevo dÍa, un nuevo dia ♪ ♪ ven y se parte de nue familia ♪ ♪ un nuevo, nuevo dÍa ♪ ♪ un nuevo dÍa comienza contigo ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >>> buenos dÍas >>> buonos dÍas en este jueves 20 de julio del 2017. hoy se celebra la independencia de colombia. viva colombia. >>> sÍ, seÑor seÑores un dÍa m especial para todos, carlitos, melina vengan acÁ. sabemos que la fiesta estÁ buena allÁ. hay
sÍ, pero no >>> y de mariposa de barrio recibimos a enrique montaÑo el actor que encarna a pedro riveraicas estuvimos en la premier de atÓmico blond en alemania, junto a sus protagonistas shar lies te ron y sofÍa bu chela. >>> rÉcord histÓrico, luis fonsi casi llorando destrona a justin bieber con su Éxito, "despacito" y los nietos del presidente trump lo estÁn bailando todo aquÍ en un nuevo dia que comienza contigo. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ un nuevo dÍa, un...
Jul 21, 2017
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in san mateo, lonnie rivera, "abc 7 news." >>> all right.11:00" continues with these new stories. bruno mars takes the stage inside the sapp center but outside counterfeit tickets left some fans disappointed. >> and what is in your cup of coffee? the viagra like ingredient leading to a nationwide recall tonight. >>> is the next american idol here in the bay area? lo local auditions set to take place. >> i'm meteorologist sandhya patel. we will look at your weekend temperature spread coming up. >> first here is a look at what is coming up on "jimmy kimmel live" after "abc 7 news at 11:00." >> thanks dan and ama. enjoy this sample of tonight's show, glute enfry. o.j. is headed to naples florida. if you see someone who looks like o.j. on tinder, swipe left. >>> new at 11:00, counterfeit tickets at the bruno mars concert. the music starts at the stage in the sap center in san jose tonight. >> outside, disappointed fans. "abc 7 news" reporter katie marzullo is live with the story. >> reporter: ama, dan, we talked with a woman that had legitimate
in san mateo, lonnie rivera, "abc 7 news." >>> all right.11:00" continues with these new stories. bruno mars takes the stage inside the sapp center but outside counterfeit tickets left some fans disappointed. >> and what is in your cup of coffee? the viagra like ingredient leading to a nationwide recall tonight. >>> is the next american idol here in the bay area? lo local auditions set to take place. >> i'm meteorologist sandhya patel. we will look...
Jul 12, 2017
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. >> reporter: witnesses have identified that suspect as kevin rivera and police could not release tooh information because this is under investigation but did say they are aware of that now viral video that shows what residents are calling a case of police brutality. video showed police trying to handcuff a man witnesses have identified as kevin rivera or manura as he is known to his friends. and the cell phone on elkhart on ellis streets showed this seconds later. an officer appeared to slam the suspect in the pavement as others tried to keep a growing crowd at bay. how would you describe what you saw? these witnesses chose not to show their faces. >> crazy. that is the only thing crazy. >> reporter: the clip shows the handcuffed suspect collapsing to the ground with officers putting him in a squad car and police say they are aware of the video and launched an internal probe and share that officers were initially in that area for a narcotics investigation. >> those guys out there have a split-second decision to make and how they make it they are second guessed, triple guessed quadrup
. >> reporter: witnesses have identified that suspect as kevin rivera and police could not release tooh information because this is under investigation but did say they are aware of that now viral video that shows what residents are calling a case of police brutality. video showed police trying to handcuff a man witnesses have identified as kevin rivera or manura as he is known to his friends. and the cell phone on elkhart on ellis streets showed this seconds later. an officer appeared to...
Jul 28, 2017
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i'm frances rivera. >> i'm phillip mena. a late night in congress. the vote a big defeat for senate republicans. >> really ground-breaking and pivotal and following these developments as well. >> breaking overnight, the news splashed across the headlines in this country after seven years of campaigning and long-held promises, senate republicans have been soundly defeated in their attempt to repeal obamacare. we see vice president mike pence there departing the capitol late into the night. he's no longer needed to cast that tiebreaking vote after the gop plan failed, 51-49. then minority leader chuck schumer celebrating, hugging others as he leaves the hill in the dead of night. the loss comes after republicans launched one last-ditch effort to kill the bill they've derided for so long, revealing a pared down, so-called skinny obamacare bill just hours before taking up a late-night vote that resulted in a major loss. >> and it looks like it all came down to senator john mccain who received cheers as he left the capitol building, getting a round of app
i'm frances rivera. >> i'm phillip mena. a late night in congress. the vote a big defeat for senate republicans. >> really ground-breaking and pivotal and following these developments as well. >> breaking overnight, the news splashed across the headlines in this country after seven years of campaigning and long-held promises, senate republicans have been soundly defeated in their attempt to repeal obamacare. we see vice president mike pence there departing the capitol late...
Jul 22, 2017
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lonni rivera shows us what they are doing. >> reporter: this sign is a painful reminder for two families who lost loved ones in similar circumstances. >> both the baby of the family. >> reporter: 22-year-old richard moss was last seen may 25th before he left to drive along the coast to work. his aaa card washed up in late june on montero state beach. search teams also recently located what is believed to be the wheel of his car. when we arrived, alameda county deputies were using drones, helping san mateo deputies with the search. >> we've had divers, boats. >> reporter: last year deputies say 20-year-old rosy alba was traveling north when her car veered off the highway into the ocean in the same area. >> start planning to put in k rails here so nobody else has to die. >> reporter: rosie's body was found here at the beach, but her car was never located. so far in the moss case they have located some car parts, but his remains have not been found. dan moss is pushing for caltrans to install cement barriers along this stretch. >> he'd just laugh and smile, that's how richard was. just an a
lonni rivera shows us what they are doing. >> reporter: this sign is a painful reminder for two families who lost loved ones in similar circumstances. >> both the baby of the family. >> reporter: 22-year-old richard moss was last seen may 25th before he left to drive along the coast to work. his aaa card washed up in late june on montero state beach. search teams also recently located what is believed to be the wheel of his car. when we arrived, alameda county deputies were...
Jul 22, 2017
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lonni rivera shows us what they are doing to prevent similar tragedies. >> reporter: this sign a painful reminder for two families would lost loved ones in similar circumstances. >> both the baby of the family. >> reporter: 22-year-old richard moss was last seen may 25th before he left to drive along the coast to work. his aaa card washed up in late june on montero state beach. search teams also recently located what is believed to be the wheel of his car. when we arrived, alameda county deputies were using drones, helping san mateo deputies with the search. >> we've had divers, boats. >> reporter: last year deputies say 20-year-old rosy alba was traveling north when her car veered off the highway into the ocean in the same area. >> start planning to put in k rails here so nobody else has to die. >> reporter: rosie's body was found here at the beach, but her car was never located. so far in the moss case they have located some car parts, but his remains have not been found. dan moss is pushing for caltrans to install cement barriers along this stretch. >> he'd just laugh and smile, that'
lonni rivera shows us what they are doing to prevent similar tragedies. >> reporter: this sign a painful reminder for two families would lost loved ones in similar circumstances. >> both the baby of the family. >> reporter: 22-year-old richard moss was last seen may 25th before he left to drive along the coast to work. his aaa card washed up in late june on montero state beach. search teams also recently located what is believed to be the wheel of his car. when we arrived,...
Jul 12, 2017
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rivera is in the hospital in good condition. >> it is 5:06. murder rate in philadelphia is up sharply this year even though crime overall is down. the latest stats from the police department show murders murders up by 22 percent. however, it is not because more people are being shot. excuse me. shootings are only up 1 percent. officials say the homicides are concentrated in the 24th24t. >> lehigh county district attorney is charging a former high school teacher for sending sexually explicit messages to three female students. 29-year-old david borghesani sent the messages through snapchat. the former whitehall high school teacher was arraigned yesterday on charges of unlawful contact with a minor and corruption of minors. borghesani resigned in february. >>> surveillance pictures show a boutique thief on the main line. police say he stole more than $4,000 worth of purses from a shop in bryn mawr. if you recognize this man you're asked to call lower merion police. >> happening now, the atlantic city beach fest concert series kicks off with pink.
rivera is in the hospital in good condition. >> it is 5:06. murder rate in philadelphia is up sharply this year even though crime overall is down. the latest stats from the police department show murders murders up by 22 percent. however, it is not because more people are being shot. excuse me. shootings are only up 1 percent. officials say the homicides are concentrated in the 24th24t. >> lehigh county district attorney is charging a former high school teacher for sending sexually...
Jul 12, 2017
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abc7 news reporter lonnie rivera is live with more. no matter where you live this is helpful information. lonie, can you hear me? >> reporter: can you hear me? in neighborhoods like this one, cleaning gutters on a regular basis is a good idea. bill relies on his son for that, but he's reduced the fire risk in another way. >> several years ago we had all the eucalyptus in the back part taken down after one fell. >> reporter: he remembers the destructive tragic fire in the oakland hills back in 1991. since then, fire inspectors say many homes were rebuilt with fire resistant materials. the fire inspection supervisor vince says this property had some fire hazards. >> we're right next to vegetation. we have a vacant lot property next door that hasn't been cleared and kept in compliance. with vegetation cut down to a height of 6 inches or less. >> reporter: another fire hazard, storing recycled bins holding plastic near the entrance. >> storing that immediately adjacent to your home especially if your home is a wood construction, that can c
abc7 news reporter lonnie rivera is live with more. no matter where you live this is helpful information. lonie, can you hear me? >> reporter: can you hear me? in neighborhoods like this one, cleaning gutters on a regular basis is a good idea. bill relies on his son for that, but he's reduced the fire risk in another way. >> several years ago we had all the eucalyptus in the back part taken down after one fell. >> reporter: he remembers the destructive tragic fire in the...
Jul 11, 2017
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take vo / lorena --segn la investigacin, edwin rivera fue atacado a plena luz del da, por dos sujetosmotocicleta.. y le dispararon por lo menos en 5 ocasiones... -- rivera, haba abandonado su pas y su trabajo como camargrafo y director de uno de los programas ms vistos por internet... --pidi asilo en aca-yucan, veracruz......all trabajaba y apoyaba a migrantes que como l, huyen al ver en peligro su vida... take sotvo / : 7 sec lo que hay detrás de estos casos es la seguridad de las personas y la alta voluntad del estado mexicano de protegerlos. lorena cont --autoridades mexicanas, trabajan con sus homlogos hondureÑos, para saber si edwin, muri a causa de algun pendiente que dej en su pas o como una vctima ms de la violencia que golpea a veracruz.. quick cg topvo/lorena --en nuevo laredo, soldados confiscaron un arsenal de ms de 100 armas en una zona rural en la frontera mexicana con texas.. --el ejrcito decomis este viernes, docenas de rifles de alto poder, granadas, cientos de balas y cartuchos. --no se han realizadop arrestos en conexin con este decomiso. --autoridades dicen que la
take vo / lorena --segn la investigacin, edwin rivera fue atacado a plena luz del da, por dos sujetosmotocicleta.. y le dispararon por lo menos en 5 ocasiones... -- rivera, haba abandonado su pas y su trabajo como camargrafo y director de uno de los programas ms vistos por internet... --pidi asilo en aca-yucan, veracruz......all trabajaba y apoyaba a migrantes que como l, huyen al ver en peligro su vida... take sotvo / : 7 sec lo que hay detrás de estos casos es la seguridad de las personas y...
Jul 22, 2017
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so a little league homer for rivera and mets win-5. >>> aaron judge just hit a ball that putin pickeds is almost clear out of safeco field. went so high stat cast couldn't even measure it. yankees tweeting it was a home run that broke stat cast. judge's first since the all-star break and yankees win it by 5-1. >>> the with a aarriors dominat driving the rest the nba crazy. paul george talked his way out of indy and now kyrie irving wants out of cleveland. he told the cavaliers to trade him. apparently he does not want to be in lebron's shadow even more. and if lebron leaves for l.a., he does not want to be stuck rebuilding in cleveland. irving averaged 25 points a game last year and when he goes into that uncle drew mode, he's basically unstoppable. his reported number one choice for a trade would be to the spurs. warriors don't want to see that. that's a wrap on morning sports. have a great weekend, everybody. i'm larry beil. >>> good saturday morning. check out our tower camera. you've heard about the heat wave, but look at this. you see the low clouds and fog in the city, so you kn
so a little league homer for rivera and mets win-5. >>> aaron judge just hit a ball that putin pickeds is almost clear out of safeco field. went so high stat cast couldn't even measure it. yankees tweeting it was a home run that broke stat cast. judge's first since the all-star break and yankees win it by 5-1. >>> the with a aarriors dominat driving the rest the nba crazy. paul george talked his way out of indy and now kyrie irving wants out of cleveland. he told the cavaliers...
Jul 12, 2017
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>> reveladora, verÁn lo que tiene que decir olga taÑÓn de tiene que decir olga taÑÓn de jenni rivera,asÓ? me estas poniendo nervioso. >> estoy embarazada ¿cÓmo ves?. >> ahorita me dices de quiÉn. >> ¿ de quiÉn va a ser? es tuyo. >> seguro. >> hace un mes estuvimos juntos. >> hace mÁs de un mes no estamos juntos. a mÍ no me tocas. >> ¿quÉ me vas a decir? lo que dijiste cuando naciÓ chiquis, que no es tu hijo, es tu hijo. >> ¿quÉ quieres hacer?. >> ¿cÓmo que quÉ?. >> tÚ perfectamente sabes que entre tÚ y yo las cosas no estÁn bien, ¿ quieres jugar a la casita feliz?. >> no le pienso pedir un peso a mis papÁs, me voy de mi casa, te guste o no. >> tremendo capÍtulo. >> esa cachetada sÓlida que le dio, y ella pega fuerte. >> cuesta trabajo ver ese tipo de escena. >> pero ella no se dejaba. >> Él es un hombre, es mucho mÁs fuerte que ella, por mÁs que no se deje, es mÁs agresivo por parte del hombre. >> sin duda alguna. . >> el centauro estÁ molesto porque la tiene con la soga al cuello. >> vamos a ver. >> lo que va a hacer a lo mejor le funciona, vamos a verla, esÁa buenÍsima. >> te voy a
>> reveladora, verÁn lo que tiene que decir olga taÑÓn de tiene que decir olga taÑÓn de jenni rivera,asÓ? me estas poniendo nervioso. >> estoy embarazada ¿cÓmo ves?. >> ahorita me dices de quiÉn. >> ¿ de quiÉn va a ser? es tuyo. >> seguro. >> hace un mes estuvimos juntos. >> hace mÁs de un mes no estamos juntos. a mÍ no me tocas. >> ¿quÉ me vas a decir? lo que dijiste cuando naciÓ chiquis, que no es tu hijo, es tu hijo. >>...
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and the sickest americans are going to pay the price more on that in tonight's rumble with julio rivera and alex was. the safety and security of americans elections is top news right now but one of the biggest threats to the integrity of our democracy is not getting the coverage it deserves although they were originally supposed to be the new frontier of democracy electronic voting machines have now fallen out of favor with most election integrity experts and for good reason do not only electronic voting machines are vulnerable to hackers they're also the perfect tool for anyone trying to steal an election and it all has to do with something called fraction magic for more on that i'm joined now by minnie kennedy star of the c.b.s. sitcom mom activist and board chair of progressive democrats of america mimi welcome back. thanks a lot tom it's great to be with you it's great having you with us as so many what exactly is fraction magic and why should we be worried about it. fraction magic is the name that bev harris gave to something that a code writer named bennie smith out of memphis dis
and the sickest americans are going to pay the price more on that in tonight's rumble with julio rivera and alex was. the safety and security of americans elections is top news right now but one of the biggest threats to the integrity of our democracy is not getting the coverage it deserves although they were originally supposed to be the new frontier of democracy electronic voting machines have now fallen out of favor with most election integrity experts and for good reason do not only...
eye 37
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julio rivera and travis corson thanks guys for being with us and that's the way it is tonight and don't forget democracy is not a spectator sport get out there get active tag your. what you have for breakfast yesterday why would you put those through. your wife. now i did did you do you take it all. on larry king you're watching our t.v. america question more. all the world's a stage and all the news companies merely players but what kind of parties aren t. american play r.t. america offers more artsy american personal m. in many ways the news landscape is just like the field of real news big news good actors bad actors and in the end you could never know you're on. the park you need all the world's a stage all the world's a stage all the world's a stage and we are definitely a player. bipap until now and this is america's lawyer medical marijuana has become a multibillion dollar in your industry in the states it is more states continue to legalize cannabis for medical.
julio rivera and travis corson thanks guys for being with us and that's the way it is tonight and don't forget democracy is not a spectator sport get out there get active tag your. what you have for breakfast yesterday why would you put those through. your wife. now i did did you do you take it all. on larry king you're watching our t.v. america question more. all the world's a stage and all the news companies merely players but what kind of parties aren t. american play r.t. america offers...
Jul 20, 2017
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now back to geraldo rivera on fox news channel. not a big surprise, but you wonder where the vultures will descend, the media vultures, to try to get him to come on and do the tell-all. i guarantee the tell-all would still sell some books. >> you know, shep, when i heard that thing about the television career, and i had heard it since we arrived in nevada yesterday morning. i kind of threw up in my mouth, if you know what i mean. to think that now there's such hunger and such competition for access to this man, who we all believe committed this brutal double homicide so many years ago. the fact of the matter is, the other brutal fact of the matter is, o.j. the attention that is being paid to him is a function of the fact that series last year that recreated the o.j. saga, that documentary series that aired, that was so well received. enormous "game of thrones" type audiences in terms of the number of people watching. there is a fashion nation. maybe the millenials don't get it as much because they weren't around in '95, '96, '97, b
now back to geraldo rivera on fox news channel. not a big surprise, but you wonder where the vultures will descend, the media vultures, to try to get him to come on and do the tell-all. i guarantee the tell-all would still sell some books. >> you know, shep, when i heard that thing about the television career, and i had heard it since we arrived in nevada yesterday morning. i kind of threw up in my mouth, if you know what i mean. to think that now there's such hunger and such competition...
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. >> "abc7 news" reporter lonny rivera joins us live with the story. >> reporter: the captain warnedmight not see one, butt lo and behold it appeared. and one family's dream came true. you might call this family first timers. it's their first time whale watching. >> he's been obsessed with whales and dolphins since she was like 3, right? >> i like seeing wildlife. >> reporter: seek and you shall find and that's what 6-year-old ava experienced. >> there's the whale. >> reporter: check out the view from the kitty cat boat, a humpback whale appeared within minutes of cruising on the san francisco bay. >> how cool is this? >> it's very cool. >> reporter: whale watching in the san francisco bay is amazing this season. it could be another 100 years before these majestic creatures come so close. but it's also come with concern as whales and boaters have come in close contact. sometimes too close. just last week, these photos captured a boat appearing to hit a whale. officials urge watchers to do it the right way. >> you never want to chase a whale. what you want to do is to parallel and rea
. >> "abc7 news" reporter lonny rivera joins us live with the story. >> reporter: the captain warnedmight not see one, butt lo and behold it appeared. and one family's dream came true. you might call this family first timers. it's their first time whale watching. >> he's been obsessed with whales and dolphins since she was like 3, right? >> i like seeing wildlife. >> reporter: seek and you shall find and that's what 6-year-old ava experienced. >>...
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you know california ought it's there any way valerie urban julio rivera thank you but yeah anyone and there's a way it is tonight and don't forget democracy is not a spectator sport get out there get active tag you're it. i do not know if the russian state hacked into john podesta e-mails and gave them to wiki leaks but i do know barack obama's director of national intelligence has not provided credible to support his claims of russia i also know he perjured himself in a senate hearing led three months for the revelations provided by edward still. he denied to be n.s.a. was carrying out wholesale surveillance of the u.s. . the hyperventilating corporate media has once again proved to be an echo chamber for government claims that cannot be verified you would have thought they would have learned something after serving as george w. bush's useful idiots in the lead up to the invasion of iraq. it is vitally important that the press remains rooted in a fact based universe especially when we enter an era when truth and fiction are becoming indistinguishable. and. interests. to. play. on lar
you know california ought it's there any way valerie urban julio rivera thank you but yeah anyone and there's a way it is tonight and don't forget democracy is not a spectator sport get out there get active tag you're it. i do not know if the russian state hacked into john podesta e-mails and gave them to wiki leaks but i do know barack obama's director of national intelligence has not provided credible to support his claims of russia i also know he perjured himself in a senate hearing led...