additional 52 million in secondary loans according to the owners but not as heavily leveraged and riverton. please -- do not initiate. thank you. >> i'm ashamed, i'm ashamed of what you initiated tonight. thank god there's transparency in these meetings. and tell voiced meetings because of when you are doing. i think that you're on the road to the city being insolvent and this will be one issue that can actually make the city ill solvent and it may never ever recover. ireland, spain, portugal. they're in the recovering from the swap that is all fortress is interested in is money. you know it. i'm very disappointed in what i heard tonight. >> the preservation core sore shum. additionally -- we want to stress, there's feasible preservation alternatives to the project that would significantly lesson adverse impacts to the national register, eligible cultural landscape. we -- we the e.i.r. didn't analysis properly the -- the development and the historic district alternative, the west side partial historic alternative saying they were inconsistent with the project response's objectives. we very