i began law enforcement career with the city of riviera beach. i performed duties primarily for road patrol. also offered the opportunity to obtain an instructor certification for defense of tactics, which is the lead instructor's position for force related hand-to-hand type training. i went to subsequent training courses for oc, which is a pepper spray training and also impact weapons. and i managed to become the elite instructor for defensive tactics with the city of riviera beach, while i was there. >> sir, if i might. i know some of the terms from having spoken to you before and my experience doing this, but i want to make sure that the jury understands when we use term like impact weapons. >> oh, sure. >> if you could, as you go through it, i may interrupt you once or twice more along the way. if you could advise the jury what you mean and the science behind impact weapons? >> sure. for the impact weapons we're talking about the batons. anything from a side handled baton to what most commonly carried now which is an expandable or collapsible