yeah, by the way, and rizine, who are they? does he not know? the safe, then shot him, and rezo, this is absolutely rezo, that he kept leagues of the common man in his safe, he lived alone in the house without security, even without this, thank god, dog, who is he afraid of here, this is rezo, he has nothing to be afraid of here, and so am i, so i didn’t bother you. you talk to your brother, with your brother, this is, and so , brother, this is one of those who took it, yes, now it’s clear, it’s grown together that everything here is through the tail of a sheep, colonel, i ’ll figure it out myself, figure it out, what , but what should i do, but you’ve already done everything. zaur, that's enough well, beslan, i remembered, ahas, i didn’t touch it, i swear to you by my mother, but you don’t need to swear by your mother, if i find out that you, or one of your people, was hanging around the cuttings, your whole family will answer. his. almost everyone is assembled, that means , i’ll do the talking, and you’ll be silent and listen, of course, i’m s