congressman rlunt and town ll julian baers.anders was fefeatured in a heat care debatee on ms bhchlt c earliethis week. she went up against fire dog jane hampsre who spokoke in fair of a public option aand used he personal experiencnce of bei a cancncerurvivor after g going througugh th for 166 yrsto make h her point the exchchange got ait heated at time let's listenen to it >> as a 16-year c cancer surviv myself, really find it fensive that pele try and drag others in this and say th ssomehow, r syststem th we haveight now reesents the 50 million ople whoho areuninred or that it does anytything -- >> whoa, whoa,hoa. i'm sorry i'm not a cacancer survrvivorut ththat doesn't meai can't criticize a publicic plan >> you dn't knowwwhat you're e talking about. basic healalth care accessss sh be a basasic humanight in america. wepent $2 tririllion othe banknks las year.r. now we're talklking abouthat we cannnnot -- >>yeah, i woululdrgue food ia basic huhuman righ the fact is 48 countries includg the united states whoho gned the univer