get together and talk you pleasure you share and that's how you roach out to help others. you for this. >> yep >> absolutely. >> very important. >> your approximation you know i have been watchingior passion with when you were speaking to 200 veterans navy veterans and the airforce. marines -- you can see this in your voice how you are caring. and they seen that. and that let's them know, hey, we are taking the time and moving on and we got people back here that supports us. that is so personal >> thank you that was think honor. let them know i know most of you are many miles away from home. you are on active duty we want to make sure you know we are your family today and step and up be family for every veteran 365 days a year. >> i like to see more. >> yep. veteran is veterany when you get deployed you christmas time. you are not home with your family you are on the battle field. >> uh-huh. >> and knowing that somebody is back here that got your back. and stuff like that is important. >> yep >> when could we say let's say for alex still serving, what could we say or advic