rob broomby. what's the reaction from staff been like having made this last broadcast? >> well, i can tell you a few moments ago, the news reader emerged quietly because we were on air in this gallery then went out into the wider newsroom and there was an enormous round of applause there. there are many here today to celebrate and mark this moment. the end of 70 years of broadcasting from this building. it is a very emotional time for many here. they have given their lives to an organization here in bush house. they feel a little bit could be lost in that, but broadcasting is continuing in normal in new broadcasting house in central london, so no damage to programs at all. >> i was just going to say mike woolridge just talked to me about impartialty and the quality of the broadcast. all that continues. all that's happened really in one respect is that we're going to a more modern building. >> absolutely. i don't think very many people here will bemoan the loss of the dirty carpets and facilities that never quite worked. what some will miss is the feeling of camaraderie