. -- rob connally. we work with this organization a lot, and we have a mutual goal and trying to provide guidance to the youth of the mission district, and again, officers from the district continually marvel at the dedication that people are doing. thank you very much. [applause] and ricardo garcia -- i work with him almost daily in dealing with potential gang violence or back in february when we had a legitimate plate of gang violence, he was out there on the street every day. we were in discussions every day for the strategy to deal with gang violence plaguing us, and it was very successful, and we will continue the partnership that has been very fruitful. i would like to thank you. [applause] >> can everybody to a start toward come back up here so we can take a picture? -- who got a reward to coeme back up here so we can take a picture? [applause] >> next we have the commission president's report. >> i have nothing to report tonight. i would rather hear from the captain and the community. >> keep ce