nobody can tell you, even approximately, how many species live on your body right now," ecologist rob dunn of the "arthropods of our homes" project said during a ted talk . so members of a project called "arthropods of our homes" < ds-of-our-homes/> have spent the last few years searching houses room by room and collecting every bug they can find. "the most exciting thing, to me, is just that we are all living with a ton of bugs in our homes, so that's fun. i know that people don't love to hear that," study author michelle trautwein told untamed science .com/watch?v=_wwcbisu3v4. yeah, people don't love to hear that, but let's try to get through this. what bugs did they find, and how widespread are they? in any given house, you can obviously expect to find house flies. it's also a safe bet that you'll find dust mites, as well as some species of ant, some species of beetle and spiders, like the common cobweb spider. the researchers also found you're pretty much guaranteed to have gnats or midges. you're also going to have boo