rob grunfeld is a director of health and bio security of the commonwealth, scientific, and industrial research organization in australia. he says the government needs to step up with fascination to push a vaccination push rather to keep the situation from getting worse. we've been in a fascinating position here in australia by actually having an elimination strategy . so we've, we've enjoyed the last died a month or so with very few cases with sadly had just under a 1000 deaths where the disease has gone out of control in a couple of our cities in particularly melvin at one stage. and now we have the delta variance as popping up around a strider with, obviously great concern that it might be starting to get a hold in the country we, we've obviously been playing by a number of challenges with our national immunization strategy. so, thinking about in the 1st instance, supply has been a problem, we think fortunate to have the capacity to mike astrazeneca here in australia, about the 5. the supply of course, is coming from the global supply, which every countries having trouble getting en