- you rob haley? - yes. - good. her royal highness will be here at 11:00. you got to be ready by then, or there's gonna be hell to pay. - who--her royal highness? - guy... witherspoon. - loz! - if they close us down, we get one great moment. if they don't, who knows? - well, then who's gonna cook, you? it's a pity we got rid of the microwave. just warm this up. and you'll be fine. - did you see the slighting he gave that gastro pub last week? it was cold-blooded murder. - you'll be all right. - of course you will. you'll be fine. - we'd be finer if kate was here. - michelle, sometimes grown-ups fall out. come and give me a good luck hug. - bite me. - so i can have a glass of wine when i finish, is that right, tanya? - yes, guy. - as long as everyone's aware. - you can do it. - of course you can. - you'll be great, really great. [door clatters open] - we have a critic to impress. - thank god. - what--what about the hearing? - well, if they don't want us here, then we'll just have to go somewhere that they do. won't we? come on. - how much longer, mr. foreste