sk joining me is rob lynch, the ceo of papa john's and our own kate rogers >> thank you for joining usyou for having me. >> jon just mentioned this international expansion, opening up new locations is a big story for the company this quarter this new partnership with drake food service international for the 220 new locations to be opened overseas in the next few years. talk to us about the whiteface you see internationally and here in the u.s >> yeah, you know, as one of the largest delivery pizza companies on the planet, we have a lot more white space than a lot of our competitors. we're in about 50 countries internationally. a lot of our competitors are in about 100. even in the markets we're in, we're underpenetrated in markets like china we can easily put 1,000 restaurants there. lots of opportunity in latin america, the middle east, continental europe domestically, historically we've felt like we were a little built out here but only about 3,400 restaurants relative to our peer group, which has closer to 6,000. a lot of opportunity to go out and build. and franchisees are more exc