temperatures soaring into the 80s over much of the country, senator, rob marciano?ink i account for about 600 of those tweets. >> nothing is a loaded gun for me. i tweet and then get in trouble. >> it's like your life. >> that's my life. >> that's what makes you interesting. by the way, my twitter account got verified today. my friends say i have an identity crisis of some sort but that proves that i'm me. hey, this just came over the wire. earlier today we had a major aftershock in chile, 6.6. now i'm getting word of 6.5 or 6.6, they haven't figured this part out, in sumatra, that other major spot where a quake happened back in 2004 so this is a major quake here. at this size, 6.5 or 6.6, likely no tsunami generated by that, but local tsunamis potentially around that area, so this incredibly active pattern -- not pattern, but time that we're in with regards to earthquakes continues. often when you get a major quake, it can trigger quakes on other plates. >> that's the question we've been asking. is this all sort of interconnected. >> yeah, there is a yin and yang o