robbed previously. when arrested, he was carrying a pistol to protect himself. miss kagan urged justice marshall to deny the petition for one reason. i'm not sympathetic. supreme court rules set forth the standards for granting -- i'm not sympathetic is not among them. if miss kagan meant that she was not sympathetic with his legal position, remember that the court had ruled that the second amendment was only a collective right, not an individual right. had miss kagan meant she was not sympathetic, she turned her back on a man who was made into a felon for exercising his right to keep and bear arms. in 1997, in prince v. united states, the supreme court struck down the brady bill requirement that state and local law enforcement officers must work for the federal government doing background checks on handgun sales. while that case was still pending, the clinton white house was designing a strategy should it loose the case and miss kagan was in the thick of it. an e-mail reveals her role. based on elena's suggestions, i have options as to what potus could do by executive action. for example, could