. >> rob mccalliste re shows us how they want them to back off from the bears. >> reporter: the picture posted on a social media site was seen by just able everyone on the sierra nevada campus. a student left the window open and a black bear came in the dorm to get food. >> they are putting their own safety at risk. >> reporter: so the school started the campaign. a fed bear is a dead bear. >> we want them to know if you leave your trash out and feed a bear, you will get that bear killed. >> reporter: the department of fish and wildlife kills the bears as they become accustomed to domestic food. >> people are still feeding bears and taking pictures of them. i see all these bear shots behind people's properties. >> reporter: the college is making it very dill for the bear to end up on campus. they have trash bins that are difficult for animal to get in. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, guy 2: i told you you could build your own skillet. guy 1: i'm glad i got it while it's still around. with 30 ingredients to choose from, you can't go wrong. guy 2: yeah, i've never had a combo like this. guy 1: like i al