the hudson institute i think made a really shrewd decision and choice in bringing rob mcdowell on board. your insight, knowledge, and certainly the intersection between technology and global policy, nobody has done it better, nobody was a better witness. with all due respect to those of you have testified before the committee. especially the work he did leading up to dubai a year ago, stands as a real testament i think to the increasingly critical role technology in all aspects of modern society plays. so i am pleased and honored to be with you today to discuss the challenges and innovation of the video marketplace of today. yesterday, as rob mentioned, chairman upton and i were joined by rob to announced the update of the key medications act. we did so at a google hangout. when i was a kid, hangout was a bad thing to be at. no longer is that the case. we think it is time to take a hard look at the increasing gap between the outdated law and the incredible innovation and investment that the internet has brought to every silo of communications. we are rolling up our sleeves and asking al