robbed of their social skill. he's the director of autism research at the simons foundation. and also my good friend and cohost, dr. eric kandel. he is a noble laureate as you know, a professor at columbia university and a howard hughes medical investigator and he has been a good friend to this broadcast. we could not do it without him. he has been the person who has linked our curiosity to an extraordinary amount of research and achievement understanding the brain. so i begin with this question in this episode. social brain. tell me what we mean by that. >> as you pointed out, very nicely in your introduction, we are immensely social beings. we use our social behavior to find a partner, to build a many family, to build a community, to build a culture. and also as you indicate, that can go into disarray and lead to aggression. social behavior is so important that it is conserved in evolution and you findate not only in people but you find it in simple an sulz some of which like ants build complex societies. although much of social behavior's learned, important aspects of it a