rob stafford: but it didn't get any better.tead, the relationship flew off the rails after the baby was born in june, 2007. a girl named sidney. it was like jennifer wanted her family and her to be part of sidney's life, but didn't want anybody else to be part of it. stevens said, i barely even get to see sidney. when we get home, jennifer goes down to her mom's house with grandma shirley and all of them. and he said, she even bathes sidney down there and everything, brings her home at 9:30, 10 o'clock, time to go to bed, and gets up the next morning and starts the routine over again. rob stafford: steven had told his parents jennifer thought the arrangement made for the perfect marriage, but steven thought just the opposite. to him, it was no marriage at all. and worse, he wasn't able to see his new baby. his mom says he was running out of patience and options. he said, mom, the only way i'm ever going to get to know sidney or to get time with sidney without jennifer being attached to her is if i file for divorce and get visit