our meteorologist rob stanton has the details from her. ps we are continuing to watch a storm is moving very swiftly awful was the northeast and what that means is that while improving conditions out here for western japan has fallen some very heavy rainfall are done today actually think i'm pushing the prefecture to go ns ninety four millimeters was reported. meanwhile for the ease while and then to sell winds up nearby hundred kilometers per hour today and currently was happening here on your thursday evening if you are northern time to read an exciting of course hokkaido. while the snow was coming down this is what's already full. and we're still expecting some areas could see an additional top forty to sixty centimeters on top was already occurred in northern parts upon to extending out through eastern hokkaido after storm continues to whip those very cool wins on shore and brings a very unstable atmosphere so that's going to prom but also those wins under twenty km per hour that's blowing things out about the very unpleasant now the g