. >> as my friend rob watson has written and i have said so many times, a guy jumps off a building, hehinks he is flying. look at me, i am flying. it is a sudden stop at the end that tells you you're not. >> we are going that way, and we always will. and as soon as we run out of one thing, we learn how to live without that one thing. until it is mad max. that is what is going to happen. >> we are not looking far enough ahead, for instance, we are real good with two, three years ahead, but we are not very good with 100 years ahead. ♪ >> we are having such a huge effect, and we're not just quite. we're about a generation or two behind the curve, on how to deal with these things. and basically, like a child with matches, we might set ourselves on fire, which, in fact we are setting ourselves on fire. we are destroying the natural, the natural world -- overfishing the oceans, over-farming the lands, and just one thing after another, and the natural world on which we depend for our survival is collapsing around us, and if we do not change our ways immediately, our children and grandchildren