she was absolutely certain. >> sandy sends her findings to auctioneer robb burley in new braunfels, texasere are still questions of where the tintype came from and how sandy's family ended up with it. >> the value often is dependent upon how good the provenance is. >> provenance -- that's auctioneer talk for evidence that an artifact is exactly what you say it is. seems sandy hasn't convinced him yet. but, thanks to lois gibson's analysis, the tintype is now getting some buzz in the press. that's how freda cruse hardison, that local historian we met earlier, catches wind of the story. what was your first reaction? >> i was very intrigued immediately. the thing that popped out to me was the name of pauline roundtree, which was sandy's three-times great-grandmother. >> freda turns to her genealogy database. it maps the connections of nearly 15,000 people to the jesse james family. she types in the name -- "pauline roundtree." >> i already had her, knew who she was and what the relationship was. >> what was it? >> she was married to robert stevenson, who was a cousin of annie ralston, frank