made it open to women for the first time, paid for the first time and fit to keep the peace and robbie cooke'sight in 2000, first putting climate on the foreign office agenda, overthe climate on the foreign office agenda, over the last six months i have seen in the fcd oh the most dedicated public servants i have ever met in my life. and they are working all over the land to avert disasters and bring countries closer together. but we must do more to harness the strengths of the foreign office and deliver the government's plan for change and that is why we are sitting in train three reviews that we are grateful for martin donnelly, mary woods, and all others for their work into the fcdo's role and capabilities to look at particularly our economic capability and this department at our global impact in the department and the fusion of development and diplomacy and in each case, ask how can we ensure the tools at our disposal provide maximum benefits to uk prosperity and security. the stories of the reviews is a world where the foreign and the domestic, the political and economic have blurred. vla