robbie larkin is a local austin angel investor. some of his money behind greenling and a few other slow money businesses. >> you put all of these businesses together. it is not just investing in a farm but in the infrastructure of food and making sure that infrastructure of food stays in your community. we provide jobs. we provide healthy jobs. it's not just how much okra are you going to get this week? >>> it's time to answer some of your business questions. michael and colleen are with us once again. the first one is from richard. he writes. i have created a series of educational dvds. i would like to start a business that among other things would sell these educational dvds to schools as part of their lesson plants and to retail outlet's in box sets. how do i determine a value weighs when looking for investors which i would need to produce investors? >> old school. i think the reality is that investors, there is going to be something in between what an entrepreneur thinks that their valuation is and what an investor thinks. a lo