with me is robby johnson. you, governor. >> you grew up speaking french in canada and learned english watching tv? >> exactly. my first language is french. but most of my relatives live in heartford, connecticut. hi. and every summer, long weekends, christmas, new year's eve, we would spend it in hartford, connecticut. putnam street. there we just fell in love with american culture. and we brought it back home and continued watching all the time american television. >> that's amazing. so let me get this straight. you're a french canadian living the american dream in nashville, tennessee. >> i mean, yeah. you just put that in my head, you know, the american dream. here i am. >> you said you learned a lot of the english watching american television. what were some of the shows that you watched and you thought, okay, i get that. because this may prove that you're really a warped guy depending on what you watch. tell me it wasn't honey boo boo. >> no, it wasn't honey boo book. i watched "full house" "family matter