be the robin boss who fired the conspiracy theorists after the primary election in 2020, two and robbynbacked extremists by a handful of votes. i think there is a part of the speaker of this wisconsin state assembly who understands, like brian kemp in georgia, that there are some lines that should not be crossed, and this is really really the defining moment, i, think of his political career. if he launches this impeachment, and he will be recorded in every textbook about american politics for all-time, as the first person to impeach a judge to stop them for making a judgment he didn't like in order to gain political power. does he want that to be his legacy? that is the question before us right now and that is what we want to make sure that voters can weigh in and make clear. that this moment will not be forgotten and that if republicans do cross this line, it will turn into a massive political backfire. that will sweep through 2024 and well beyond. >> if they do cross that line, what are you when your fellow democrats prepared to do? >> well, the 4 million dollar campaign that we anno