and roben farzad, senior writer at "bloomberg businessweek" magazine. we thank you both for being here. roben, i am going to start with you. remind us why is greece again in this kind of debt turmoil. >> simply, judy t wasn't enough. the package that was put forward last spring in the spring summer period of 2010 assumed several things. one, that the government inateen kos push through sufficiently tough austerity and exact cuts out of pensioners and the public union system there. two, that international bond investors would be wiing to lend to greece at decent levels. he bond yields were last quoted a the 30% which is prohibitive. and three, that economic growth in some manner, normal see in some ranner would return and vindicate the supposed shock and awe that we saw the subcontinent come together and package together last year. >> woodruff: so jaco kirkegaard what is the risk to other countries if they don't don't get this worked out. is the feeling it is going to get worked out or not reasons i believe that because the potential downside of a failure