it is also possible the main difference from conservative unity is the candidates for office in roberson the movement did not like a kitten and murdoch they fought hard against them in the primary. so when the opportunity arose the other wing and quickly came out against the candidate in hopes to replace them with other candidates that would represent their particular ideology better and as we all know too well many of the worst public divisions in the movement results from conservative wing this fighting each other in primaries and in the political arena. the truth is this. for conservatives to win the right to govern foreign policy conservatives and social conservatives and the economic conservatives will have to work together to elect candidates in for the foreseeable future the conservative movement will have to get candidates elected or simply lose. but there will continue to be many freak show moments when the interest of the different groups collide. the p.t. barnum circus the freak show was a hugely popular attraction. so popular p.t. barnum could not get the patrons through as f