and passed on from congress to congress itself and reviewed in which they gave robert aitken permission to print this bible. this would be the first complete english bible ever printed in america, the only bible to receive congressional authorization to be printed by robert aitken knowing that the crown held rights to english text he included the congressional authorization in each and every one of his bibles therefore as united states citizen at the time knowing that it was forbidden to own a bible not produced by the crown, you can now see that your government has allowed you to be able to own this particular bible. and so not only did he include that in the text but we've also included the original congressional authorization showing that congress did, indeed, word for word that robert aitken included into his text. one of the other things that i find amusing about the bible, aitken bible is in the front page he tells you how to find him. it's three doors down above the coffee shop and so to me apparently there was only one starbucks at the time and in philadelphia, but i just find t