narrator: word of robert barnes's arrest spread quickly. he said, somebody got arrested for meghan's murder, and it's robert. robert barnes. what is going through your mind? this is the kid that you rode the bus with. rode the bus with. who had a crush on her, who was the violinist. yes. instant panic, instant, instant panic. it hit me so hard. i mean, you just feel so betrayed. you feel so just-- i mean, i don't even have words to describe it. what was that moment like for you, after such hard work and so many dead ends? it was surreal. you know, even talking about it right now, i still get chills. like, it was one of those moments that done our job. narrator: but not everyone believed law enforcement had done its job correctly. reporter mike mather remembers how some people in portsmouth reacted when the news first broke. i recall very early on that you know, here we go again, portsmouth has a white victim and they've charged a black kid. this split the community on a racial line, i think, right down the middle, fair to say. and that line