joining us live from chicago is father robert baron, a catholic theologian and founder of the word onire ministry. father, many people out there are saying that this is evil, that mr. lanza, this young man, that this represents evil. how do you define evil? >> well, the catholic tradition, evil is never a positive force that opposes the good but always something entirely negative. it is a lack of a good that ought to be there. think of like a cavity in a tooth or a cancer that compromises an organ t is not like the "star wars" cosmology where you have the dark and light side of the force battle bug rather, evil is always a lack of a good that ought to be there. in the case of moral easeville is is a twisting or perverting of the will, which by its nature should seek the good. >> and how do we know god is listening? >> god is love and attentive to every aspect of his reyation. god hears the cry of the poor, as the bible said. god is attentive to all aspects of reality. people ask me a lot, where is god in newtown? how is god present there in the right answer, i think, is in every act o