are gathered to hear the state of the state address by his excellency, the governor of alabama, robert bentley. [applause] i present to the governor. [applause] >> good to see you. lieutenant governor, speaker, president pro tem, distinguished guests, my fellow public servants and my fellow alabama a great privilege that i join you hear in this chamber to mark another milestone in our state's history. i am humbled tonight to be addressing this joint session as your governor. as i deliver my first stage of the state address, i do so with humility as a public servant, one who has been called to a great task. i thank you for sharing this moment with me tonight. as public servants, we are called to put others ahead of ourselves. i do not think you will find anyone with a bigger hearts and desire to serve others ban your first lady and my sweet wife, diane. [applause] i would also like to thank members of my cabinet who are here with me tonight. thank you for serving and joining me in meeting the challenges that lie ahead. chief justice, distinguished members of the alabama supreme court, thank you