take robert boyle. boyle was perhaps the most eminent scientist in england in the generation just before isaac newton. he was immensely rich, a tall, skinny, kind-hearted man curious about nearly everything in the world. one of the things he was curious about was hangings. hangings in london in the 1600s were a big crowd pleers, a popular event. there were hanging days, eight of them a year. you'd get 20,000 spectators gathered around to see. rich people would sit in the bleachers, the poor would have to stand and jostle for space. the gallows could hold 24 swaying bodies at a time. nobody had any qualms about hangings, i should say. in this era there already were liberals and conservatives, but nobody was against hanging. the difference came to be that the liberals thought that if someone was being hanged, it was okay for his friends to rush up and grab him by the legs and tug him down to speed up his death, to make for a merciful death. but the conservatives thought that was much too soft. they didn't,