they have five employees raking in six figure salaires, including the director robert brennan whose salarys $219,000 per year.but medco pfficals told us in an emaii their salaries are not funded by state taxpayers.but not so fast says one expert.05:31 "these organizations are secretive, they often do live up to ther expectations, or the projects that they fund do not live up to their expectations. and we often end up funning their mistakes"05:40 marta mosssurg ppints to the medco managed rrccy gap hotel rrsort near cummerland which millions in interest paymenns on bonds used to finance its construction.03;25"not when yyu look at whaa's happenbed withhrocky gap, where taxpayers are on the hook for millions and milllons of the bonds off as the result of - the ppor financial condition of rocky gap"03;366ossburg says there needs to be more scrutinyyf ay - and performance.03:27if' we're going to be held responsible for thoser types of situations,w e deseeve transparency about what's going on behind ttose close ddors""3:43a closer look that state delegateepat mcdonough says needs to happen soon.