a dear old friend of mine was robert butler. he died of leukemia. he was the first director of the national institute on aging. he said i am a scientist. no one believes in science more than i do. i would love to wake up tomorrow morning and see that there was a cure or even something to treat effectively, to delay a little bit, alzheimer's. he said i hope to do that, but hope is not a plan of action. we can all have this hope. i have this hope, too. ,y partner died of alzheimer's he was 15 years older than me. if you have lived through this, there is nothing more you would want, but hope is not a plan of action. for families taking care of alzheimer's, unlike the rest of the developed world, we don't pay for any help at home. the burden that also people who have only themselves, and there is no money to hire home health care, or could put our money where our mouth is. one reason that long-term care institutions are so that is what we pay the people who staff them. a society shows its values by how it pays people for certain jobs. we pay almost noth