got to serve with robert c. byrd and richard lugar and kennedy and bachus, the list goes on and on. we don't debate. we don't even vote. in fact, we don't even live up to the constitution's goals for us, requirements for us, whatever you want to call it. we're a coequal branch of government. we shouldn't be allowing the president, as senator durbin said, asking for permission slip from the president to be able to do our business. bring the bills to the floor to open this government and vote on it. if they go down, they go down. i think they'll pass. if the president vetoes them -- if the president vetoes them, bring them back for a veto override. it is as simple as that. i wonder what the forefathers would think today if they saw this body, a shell of its former self. and it's not due to the rules, it's due to the fact that we have a leadership that won't live up to the obligation of this body it was set up to begin with. we've got work to do here. we've got a lot of work to do, and that work starts with opening the government of the united states. if we don't do it or if we say we'