the historian robert carroll once said in an i robert carroll once said in an interview that power doesoned, nothing was quite so important as maintaining their own position, their own power may be seeking a better position. and they were willing to shed their ideology, their ideas and even their morality in the service of that corrupt form ? former president for a seat of power. now there were a lot of heroes that were revealed during that period as well, and i used the book to identify who those heroes work that withstood the pressure, that were true to their character. but it does underscore the idea that while there is something wrong in our constitution, if the members of congress don't give content to their oath and if they are not guided by ideas of right and wrong and the truth, then none of it really works to protect us. i none of it really works to protect us. ., none of it really works to protect us. . ., none of it really works to protect us, ., ., ., " none of it really works to protect us. . ., ., ~ i. none of it really works to protect us. i want to take you back to the s