this is robert chernow. he's in chicago but looking pretty miserable. on a boat and he's sad. he's in front of this merry-go-round and he's sad. he's on another boat and he's sad. >> where are all his friends? >> that's the thing literally every single other person invited to this bachelor party's flight was canceled. they're still back in new york. robert is the only guy at this bachelor party without the actual guy getting married in chicago, by himself. and's photos. watching a baseball game with nobody. this has taken the internet by storm. the great part is he's making the same face, same expression in just about every photo. someone even set up a gofundme page, it's hilarious. "right this minute" we have the man himself, robert chernow. >> hello. >> tell us the story, how did this happen? >> well my friend jake it was his bachelor party, with he decided we were going to go to chicago. the plan was a few of us were going to fly early and jake and the rest of the party would come a couple hours later. the guys who were supposed to be on my plane decided they needed to go t