and robert dunlap, who is in juvenile hall every single day had the following points to make. one rule is silence while eating. during meal time, the kids sit at tables hudled around their trays, fore bidden to speak to one another. when i asked why, i was told that was the policy. the real reason i suspect is to further the convenience of the guards. number two, on the topic of food, parents are allowed to bring snacks on saturdays. nothing healthy or homemade, only soda and prepackaged junk food. point number three, which brings us to visiting. no grandparents, aunts, uncles, godparents, or ministers of the family unless they're parents. many parents are strapped with watching the younger children, thus, the grandparents come. the position of j.p.d.? how do we know they're the grandparents? 50 minute time slots on saturdays and sundays in the m.p.r. with dozens of other people around, and during the week, you can only have an afternoon pass before dinner, or an evening pass after dinner. a parent cannot visit children two times in one day, and you only get one time of pass.