he knew and recited robert emmitt's speech from the dock by memory. especially the closing words. when my country takes her place among the nations of the earth, then and not until then, let my epitaph be written -- i have done. his favorite balance lad was helen serena, the poem the lament of the irish immigrant, set to music. many of lincoln's quips also resorted to irish analogies. sometimes they were caustic, and perhaps a bit insulting to make a point. his first reported jibe about a poor irishman comes from one of his congressional speeches on the need for sensible improvements which he described an irishman who had a pair of new boots. quoting lincoln -- i shall never get him on, said patrick, until i wear them a day or two and stretch them out a bit, unquote. late in the quarter, an observer recalled that lincoln said -- there was a cabinet meeting in the afternoon, general grant who had just returned gave a very interesting account of the state of the south, and the good feeling manifested by the offices of the confederate army. they all said they were ready to lay down t