f. kennedy announced his campaign for the prz sivment it is the room -- it is in 190, the room where senator robert f. kennedy, whose desk at which i sit, announced his candidacy for president in march of 1968. down the hall -- it is the room where we're today marking up -- beginning the markup of the health care bill, legislation that will -- is the mostt important thing i've worked on in my, i guess, 17 years in washington. it's probably the most important bill this -- with the exception of war and peace issues -- that this congress has worked on in a long, long time. this congress has been trying for many years, as have been presidents, to pass legislation to reform our health care system. and in 1945, harry truman spoke before a joint session of congress down the hall hall in the house of representatives and said, millions of our citizens do not now have a full mayor of opportunity to achieve -- a full measure of opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health. millions donlts now have protection or security against the economic effects of sickness. the time has arrived for action to help them att