and robert ferrante and his wife, dr. autumn klein, relocated from boston, were juso the kindrenaissance minds the city was hoping to attract autumn's colleague, dr. karen roos >> she said that she lovedtt piurgh she loved her patients, that the people of pittsburgh were wondful and she was so happy to be there.ha >> reporter: autumn always intended to be a caregiver her cousin, close as sisters, sharon king, remembers that even a little girl she administered playtime tlc. >> we had a doctor's office. and our patients were our stuffed animals. >> reporter: and dr. autumn g klein was holdinclinic hours, huh? t >> she was doctor. >> reporter: it was an interest that took root early for autumn and never left always a top of her class student in the baltimore area. she later got her undergraduate degree in neuroscience from amherst. >> helping people was the main thing. she was just so smart, so intelligent, so thoughtful and so caring. >> reporter: you and your husband must have been very, very proud of her. >> we were >> re