robert fitzpatrick joins us live from providence, rhode island. mr. patrick, good to have you with us. in a sense, the fbi is on trial. do you believe that the fbi let bulger get away with murder? >> well, they certainly helped him. they certainly were in his corner for a number of years, at least 25 years. they certainly protected him, and while he was committing murder, he felt protected. >> now, back in the day do you think that the fbi was any better than the irish mafia or bulger's winter hill gang? >> well, the winter hill gang i think has been a little disseminated, and they're not as powerful as they were, but bulger's going away is not going to materially affect the irish gangs i don't believe. >> okay. do you think then that the fbi has cleaned up its act in recent years? >> well, they're trying to. they're trying to, but, remember, they still have elements of organized crime in the mafia, italian way, if you will, and we also have cultural crimes now which are different. hispanic and otherwise. so the nature of organized crime is really chan