. >> good morning, committee members, my name is robert fletcher, i have been a law library user since 1970. when i passed the bar. i became a member of the california bar, i would like to corroberate all of the statements made this morning in support of the resolution to expand the law library's space. i just like to touch about a couple of, you know, personal experiences. i think that you have heard and i would invite you to go to the law library some time and you would find number one, practice books that are really uniquely appropriate and useful for non-lawyers. >> san francisco law library has the best collection for non-attorneys to be able to solve, to understand their legal problems. and now the san francisco is fortunate of having a very extremely helpful and untilable library staff, every time that i have gone to the law library, i have heard the staff patiently direct say (inaudible) so in conclusion, i would ask you as everyone else as informally to reconsider a 20,000 square feet and to take the recommendation of this fine professional staff. thank you very much. >> my na