proud of their wall from the days of hadrian, the people of england would no doubt argue with robert frost for they certainly do love their wall. for teen kids news, i'm nicole. - 50 us states, 50 state flags, each one with its own unique history. here's eric with flag facts. - [eric] it's home to cowboy ghost towns, custer's last stand, seven indian reservations, the world's shortest river and largest migrating elk herd. the state animal is the grizzly bear, and its sweeping vistas earned it the nickname big sky country. we're talking montana, partner. - montana is from the spanish word for mountains or mountainous. - admitted to the union in 1889, its flag honors both the land and its people. - [randy] so, you see the tools of a miner, a pickax, a shovel. you also see farming tools for the settlers who came and settled the land. and in the back, you see the river, the waterfall, and the rocky mountains, in reference to the great nature they have in montana. - montana's rich and precious minerals, the banner across the bottom boasts, "oro y plata," which means gold and silver. montana is