you asked robert gibbs specifically about her role. what was it that he said to you? >> he said, i was on a roll with questions, he said something to the effect of calm down. for a woman who has children, but to equate me to a child, it was disrespectful. he was angry at the time and people believe there isn't retaliation when you asked the white house a question, there is retaliation. the. the retaliation was seen on television, part of the retaliation was seen on television. after that i was upset. i couldn't believe it. at. at that time i was sitting in the fourth row and i couldn't believe what had happened. i had just sat there. i see the doors to the lower press office open and it was bill burton. , robert gibbs and he said come here and i said no. he was shocked. the unfortunate thing, i said okay i'm coming. i couldn't believe it. i thought what did i do wrong, in my mind. i asked the gentleman a question and what happened was, in my mind, and robert gibbs and i have come to a good understanding of we have a different relationship now, but to to my understandi