transport to get a better understanding of the issues involved, we spoke to sociology, professor robert gooch, along with a communicable diseases expert, dr. bar fraud punk hung up. we just must not make a distinction between immunized and not immunized that all citizens and we treat them as equal citizens. we persuade, inform, educate, advise the people who have not been immunized and help them to make that voluntary decision to getting used. even if 80 percent of the population is fully immunized. that is 80 percent are not 100 percent immune. it is important to invest in prevention. prevention is cheap. prevention is easier. prevention is better why one of the things that we need to worry about are the inequalities that have been embedded in coded since the beginning people long had to pay to get access to the vaccine. whether that be driving a far distance, taking time away from work or friends and family. so there have been lots of costs that have been hit in that we really have under discussed. now we're moving into another realm where people, for reasons that may be illogical, maybe re